Vernissage is an exposition or gallery show that all the students of Lacoste participate in. This quarter we have photography, printmaking, creative writing and illustration, and a few more too. I’ll be showing my photography for the show. I’ve chosen 6 photos to frame and hang in our gallery. I chose to put them in black and white to not only to emphasize the formalist aesthetics but also to avoid color issues with the printers here, haha. This project was also another side project I did, it all started with the first photo of a rectangle cut into the stone at Forte de Buoux. I loved this strange geometric shape in the natural environment; it is forever evidence of human inhabitance of the area. This didn’t become a true side project until I found the second photo at the Pont du Gard. It is a lovely little square amidst the moldy stone and grasses. The third photo was of a circular mark at St. Saturine d’Apt, though I’m not sure what it was originally used for. The next three photos are not of geometry in the natural world but rather holes in the stonework that not only serve a purpose but also provide an aesthetic reprieve from the blank stonewalls of the city of Opede. I especially like the fourth photo for its lighting and detailed stone texture. Hopefully it is not noticeable, but I rotated the image because I liked this composition the most. I’m really happy with this mini project and I’m excited to show it in the Vernissage. I’ve been struggling to think of prices for my work. Many people are pricing their smaller works for 20-30 euro, which seems a bit pricey for me, but at the same time I don’t want to under price my works. I think for my smaller photos I’ll price around 10 euro, that’ll cover the cost of materials and give me extra money. I think 20 euro is reasonable for the large prints especially since the frames were free. So if I did sell all of them, the large prints would make up for under pricing I did for the small prints. I hope all goes well!